Selasa, 25 Maret 2014


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Answering Strategy Problem TOEFL Listening Test

The TOEFL test is a test to determine the extent to which our English language skills . This test has many uses such as if a person wants to go abroad or work abroad , he must know in advance the English language ability . One is with the TOEFL test . This test is absolutely necessary for people who want to work abroad or work in a foreign company because by having a TOEFL score with a certain score we can work in a foreign company or work abroad .

TOEFL test consists of three aspects , one of which is listening . Listening is one of the TOEFL test by using our ability to hear conversations in English . In listening we need to know the key points in a conversation recorded by a tape recorder .

Part TOEFL listening test , tests the ability of students , especially non - native speakers of English, to understand spoken English ( emphasized ) in the educational environment . Listening is an important skill to understand the concepts and ideas . Only when fully understood the concept of light duty to score on the TOEFL test listening . In order to develop listening skills for the TOEFL , there are a certain set of listening strategies or steps . They are described in detail below .

Requirements to listen TOEFL strategy
Strategies for the TOEFL listening test aims to provide each and every minute detail needed to respond to all questions within the time provided in this section . Responding to the questions in time is very important because it will help to save time TOEFL candidates , which may be spent on one particular part of the test section .

There are certain steps in a strategy that will help in managing time in each part of the listening section of the test ( recording ) . There are some basic requirements for the listening skills that serve the steps in stretegi TOEFL listening test with the following details :

Basic Understanding
When students listen to recorded lecture or conversation , they must understand the central idea or main in it . Then they have to skim for recording key points , key facts , goals and relevant details that connect key points .

Practical Understanding
It can also be referred to as " pragmatic understanding " in which the meaning of a word should be taken , in accordance with the context. Students must find the intended meaning of the speaker , from his point of view . A wide variety of vocabulary required for this process because , in listening tests typically record of academic background . Practical understanding also becomes a necessity to find a study or conversation .

Connecting ideas presented over resources
In connection with the idea is the last country in which the key points and important facts than to find the relationship between them . This method will initially lead to build an argument . Then a series of elements that support and non- categorized and as a result cause the events are traced . This is where the students will end up identifying conclusions implied .

• Inference
Inference is to find a conclusion implicit in the recording of the author's point of view . The conclusion may be implied or directly stated anywhere in this section .
These are the basic requirements needed , in every part of the listening test strategy , which consists of two lectures are recorded and a long conversation . The fundamentals must be followed , the following preparatory steps .

Strategies in Preparation

English Spoken From Various Sources And Accents
There are variations between English accent . It is best to listen to the English language from a variety of sources such as television , music , radio etc. And it's also good to listen to native speakers of English with a different pronunciation and dialect . By doing this the students will be able to improve their listening skills and also they will get used to different types of accents . It would really help very much if they listen to the verses of academic or conversation .

• Making Notes
When listening to the recording , the record must write . These notes will help you to remember the important things that are given by the speaker . The reason is also that , during the test you will be given only one opportunity to listen to part . Note the manufacture will help you to remember the details and instructions effectively .

• Main Idea
The main idea of a passage must be identified on the tape , as the first task when taking notes . The main idea of the lecture is usually given in the introductory section . More details will be given in the rest of the lecture . After the main idea found it to be a light task to find the purpose of the speaker.

The words Pointer , Important Facts And Relationships Between Facts
The words can be defined as a pointer signal words or instructions , given by the speaker . These keywords should be collected along with the essential facts and events . This should be done to compare them and identify relationships between them . This in turn will give you the cause of the incident .

• Summary of Observations
Give a summary record listening , using records derived . During this process , only the important facts , relevant details , main ideas and key facts covered . This is a good time saving techniques , to prevent going through the notes again and again .

Build Your Vocabulary
Above all it is also important to build students' vocabulary , to find the meaning of a word , according to the context of the speaker . Students should get familiar with the words that they consider to be a new one and put it into practice in their daily lives .
The steps and requirements in the strategy for the TOEFL listening section , which outlined above should be followed and practiced for a set time while taking the exam . The most important part of listening is to concentrate on the subject of the speaker , and a student does not have to be bothered by the accents .

The general strategy for the Listening Comprehension Section of part A, part B and part C.
1 . Be familiar with the directions .
Instructions on every TOEFL test is the same , so it does not need to listen carefully to them every time . You have to be really familiar with the directions before test day .
2 . Listen carefully to the conversation and discussion .
You should concentrate on what the speaker said on the tape because you will hear the recording only once.
3 . Know where the question is easier and generally more difficult to find.
In every part of the Listening Comprehension section , the question is generally evolve from easy to difficult .
4 . Never leave a question blank on your answer sheet .
Even if you are not sure of the correct response , you have to answer that question . There is no penalty for guessing .
5 . Use the remaining time to look ahead at the answers to the following questions .
When you are finished with the questions , you may have time to look ahead to the answer to the next question .

 In the Listening test , you will be asked to demonstrate how well you understand spoken English . The entire Listening test will last approximately 45 minutes . There are four parts , and directions are given for each section . You must mark your answers on a separate answer sheet . Do not write your answers in the test book .

Directions and Practice Questions
Directions and examples of the types of questions that you will find in the Listening Comprehension section of the TOEFL test is below.
There are three parts to this section , with special directions for each part . Answer all questions based on what is stated or implied by the speakers you hear .

Do not :
make notes or write in your test book at any time turn the pages until you are told to do so .

section A
Directions : In Part A , you will hear short conversations between two people . After each conversation , you will hear a question about the conversation . Conversation and the questions will not be repeated . After you hear a question , read the four possible answers in the test book and choose the best answer . Then , on your answer sheet , find the number of questions and fill in the space in accordance with the letter of the answer you have chosen
Here is an example .
On the recording , you will hear :
( Female ) : I do not like this painting very much .
( Man ) : I do not .
( Narrator ) : Did it mean?
In your test book , you will read :
A. He did not like the painting either .
B. He does not know how to paint .
C. He does not have the painting .
D. He did not know what to do .
You learn from the conversation that both men and women love the painting. The best answer to the question , " What is man?" Is a , " He did not like the painting either . " Therefore, the correct choice is A.

1 . You will hear :
( Man ) : Should I lock the computer lab now before I go home ?
( Women ) : Do not bother . I'm not going to go away for a while, I can check on my way out .
( Narrator ) : What will the woman probably do?
You will read :
A. Lock the computer lab later .
B. Leave with the man.
C. Buy a new key to the computer lab .
D. Show the man where the lab .
2 . You will hear :
( Man ) : Do you mind if I turn the television off ?
( Female ) : Well , I'm in the middle of watching a program .
( Narrator ) : What does the woman imply ?
You will read :
A. He had to watch the program as well .
B. He had to leave the television on .
C. The program will soon be over .
D. He would watch TV later .
3 . You will hear :
( Female ) : I heard the math requirements for graduation are being changed .
( Man ) : Yes . And I might be a short one .
( Narrator ) : Did it mean?
You will read :
A. He was not sure what course to take .
B. mathematics courses are too short .
C. He may not meet graduation requirements .
D. Date of graduation has been changed .

Section B
Directions: In this part of the test you will hear a longer conversation. After each conversation you will hear some questions. Conversation and the questions will not be repeated.
After you hear a question, read the four possible answers in the test book and choose the best answer. Then, on your answer sheet, find the number of questions and fill in the space in accordance with the letter of the answer you have chosen.
Remember, you are not allowed to take notes or write in your test book.
( Narrator ) Question 4 to 7 . Listening to a conversation about the trip .
( Man ) : Are you ready for " The Big Apple " ?
( Female ) : I'm sorry ?
( Man ) : You know , New York City . You are going to New York with us , right? I want to show everyone around my old neighborhood .
( Woman ) : Oh ... sure! I would not miss it , especially when the tour guide is a native New Yorker .
( Man ) : I think we can start at the Museum of Modern Art . Currently there is an exhibition in twentieth-century American painter .
( Female ) : Well with me ... but what you said about ... a big apple ?
( Man ) : " The Big Apple . " This is the nickname for New York . I think I 've heard that it started with jazz musicians in the 20's .
( Woman ) : Oh .
( Man ) : Every time they play a concert in the city , the city that they called " apple . " In those days , New York is the largest city in the country , so they called it " The Big Apple . "
( Female ) : Hey , I have an idea ! Let's go to a jazz club while we were there .
( Man ) : Sounds good .
question :
4 . You will hear :
( Narrator ) : What is the plan to see ?
You will read :
A. An art exhibition .
B. A Broadway play .
C. A modern dance production .
D. An opera .
5 . You will hear :
( Narrator ) : What can be inferred about the man ?
You will read :
A. He was a jazz musician .
B. He wants to join the club of women .
C. He was in his twenties .
D. He was born in New York .
6 . You will hear :
( Narrator ) : What does the word " Apple " in the phrase " The Big Apple " refer to?
You will read :
A. Instruments .
B. A city .
C. A theater .
D. A concert .
7 . You will hear :
( Narrator ) : Who gave New York a nickname ?
You will read :
A. Painter .
B. Tour guide .
C. Musicians .
D. Wholesale .

Section C
Directions: In this part of the test you will hear several talks. After each talk, you will hear some questions. Discussion and questions will not be repeated.
After you hear a question, read the four possible answers in the test book and choose the best answer. Then, on your answer sheet, find the number of questions and fill in the space in accordance with the letter of the answer you have chosen.
Here is an example .
You will hear :
( Narrator ) : What is the main purpose of this program ?
                In your test book , you will read :
                A. To demonstrate the latest use of computer graphics .
                B. To discuss the possibility of an economic depression .
                C. To explain how the brain works .
                D. To dramatize a famous mystery story .
The best answer to the question , " What is the main purpose of this program ? " Is C , " to explain how the brain works . " Therefore, the correct choice is C.

Here is another example .
You will hear :
( Narrator ) : Why does the speaker recommend watching the program ?
                In your test book , you will read :
                A. It is required of all science majors .
                B. It will not be displayed again .
                C. It can help viewers improve their memory skills .
                D. It will help by working alone .
The best answer to the question , " Why does the speaker recommend watching this program ? " Is D , " It will help with the work alone . " Therefore, the correct choice is D.
Remember , you are not allowed to take notes or write in your test book .

( Narrator ) Question 8 to 10 . Listening to talk about animal behavior .
( Female ) Today's discussion is about common animal reaction - yawn . The dictionary defines yawning as a " knee-jerk reaction to fatigue or boredom . " That is true for humans yawn , but not necessarily to evaporate animals . The same action can have very different meanings in different species .
For example , some animals yawn to intimidate intruders in their territory . Fish and lizards are examples of this . Yawning hippopotamus use when they want to resolve contention . Observers have seen two hippos yawn each other for two hours before they stop fighting .
As social animals like baboons or lions - they evaporate to form a pecking order in the social group , and lions often yawn to calm social tensions . Sometimes these animals yawn to tight physiological reasons - namely , to increase oxygen levels . And strangely , when they evaporate due to physical reasons like that , they do what humans do - they try to hold yawn by looking away or with their mouth shut .

question :
8 . You will hear :
( Narrator ) What is the main core of the speaker ?
You will read :
A. Animals yawn for a number of reasons .
B. Yawning results only from fatigue or boredom .
C. Yawning Man is the same with other animals .
D. Only social animals yawn .
9 . You will hear :
( Narrator ) According to the speaker , when the hippos tend to evaporate ?
You will read :
A. When they swim .
B. When they quarrel .
C. When they socialize .
D. When they eat .

10 . You will hear :
( Narrator ) What is the physiological reason for yawning is mentioned ?
You will read :
A. To exercise the muscles of the jaw .
B. To eliminate fatigue .
C. To gain greater strength to attack .
D. In order to get more oxygen .

TOEFL Test does have high standards of measure mastery of our language, for it does not hurt little by little we are taking the time to continue this practice test toefl listening as one part of the TOEFL test. Thus our capacity will be increased and the results of this test will be more satisfying than ever.

After we do the strategy as above, it's time we do the TOEFL test in order to practice English language skills we can increase and obtain the desired TOEFL score.

Irham Ali Saifuddin, 2005, Buku Pintar TOEFL, DIVA Press, Yogyakarta.

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